Tuesday 5 October 2010

Newspaper Front page

My task was to create my own newspaper front page which also includes writing one story myself which has to involve my animal/human face which i made in one of my previous tasks.
I started off by opening an A4 document in Adobe Indesign, then I used google images to find a headline for the newspaper and smaller adverts.

Searching google images for a headline

After i had found a headline and some adverts i used the internet again to find some more stories to go on my front page i found to good stories which were about the right length one about a baby being saved by a sandwich bag and the other one was about a millionaire segway tycoon being killed by crashing a segway.

The printscreen above was taken just after i had got everything i need for the front page in my indesign   
document all i need to do was arrange everything so it fitted in well and looked good also it looks better when everything is in columns and the story headlines are bigger and bold so i done all of that and

This printscreen shows my front page after i have arranged everything and just need to resize and put my last picutre onto the page then it will be complete.
This is my finished front page with everything in columns and no big white space's

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